Comments on: Is OHS a profession? Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Fri, 12 Sep 2008 14:43:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Walker Fri, 12 Sep 2008 14:43:18 +0000 I am fully aware that this line of work debates the issue of what is a professional. All I can say is from my experience just because you did a safety meeting at your work does not qualify you as a safety professional in any stretch of the imagination. We need to establish minimum standards for various levels of this profession. To be called a safety manager with no safety experience other than the OSHA 10 hour course is a disgrace to all who have worked and strived to better themselves with continuing education. Engineers, teachers, therapist, doctors, Interior designers… they all have to have the recognized education before they are to enter their chosen field. Why do we feel we have to be different. Is it because this field is new? Please, this profession deals with lives and attempts to promote safer behaviors. We need educated personnel from recognized educational institutions if we are ever going to get the respect of our workers and other professionals.

By: Ric Morgan Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:58:24 +0000 I\’m not really sure whether it matters whether we are a profession or not.

That said, moves to professional standards such as the Victorian ethics code and the requirement for continuing professional development and indicia of safety being a profession. The real risk of deciding that we a re a profession is where to draw the line. Is everyone doing \”safety\” a professional? Is the health and safety rep? Is it only those with qualifications? Where does practical experience fit in? Is it only those recognised by membership of a professional body and if so which one, (SIA, AIOH,….)

As for the start of it all, well the 1980\’s if far too late. I consider myself a second generation safety professional and I started in the late 80s. My father was working in safety from the late 60\’s (I have a NSCA award flag and photo from then) (He also installed seat belts in our 1962 Singer Gazelle after reading the safety data…)
