Comments on: Smart drinks may be dumb safety Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Mon, 12 Dec 2016 02:28:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: stephen Sandilands Mon, 12 Dec 2016 02:28:09 +0000 A lot of work still has to be done here in relation to new drinks coming on the market, implied claims of improvement, or even managment perceptions about getting more out of their people, and of course euqqlly important properly educating employees.

Reports like the one last year from an Eastern States univeristy claiming consuming caffeine drinks had no effect on hydraation and heat issues, certainly did not help the case.

The ample empirical evidence and also observations of persons consuming 3-4 cans of assorted energy related drinks over the course of each working day, contrary to even the advised guidleines on the cans of a limit for a day, and the resultant effects on the individuals certainly points to a need for strong educational awareness as well.

Perhaps this could also include the issue of where specific natural tablets ful lof guarana and other additives are also being taken – an area of conern that is not so readily as visible as taqking a drink.

And yes there is a clear need for companies and mangement to start to make themselves aware of such issues. The harmonised legislation in most states clearly makes this a requirement for maagement to be up to date and aware of changes and trends. Failure to recognise and do so could leave companies and managment exposed in the event of a serious incident arising out of such activity.

Overseas in cold working conditions there is eveidence of a push for these sorts of drinks to be allowed on night shifts and even day shifts to increase alertness (read keep them awake), so it is clear that this is not just a local issue, but needs to be addressed on a wider basis. As yet we have not seen any evidence of long term effects, but most of us acknowledge that the human body which includes the brain, does have limitations, so it is critically important that this is considered in any review as well as by companies looking at these sorts of products overall, before a worker is seriously injured or dies from unexplained buidl up or stress on the body systems.
