Comments on: Business report is contradictory on OHS Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:55:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Jones Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:55:51 +0000 In reply to colrf.

Col, thanks for the ISSA reminder. I remember attending an international conference on social security here in Melbourne some time ago and had not realised the significant role social security plays in many countries. I know that society in Australia covers most of the cost of workplace injuries and ill-health but have yet to see a detailed analysis of this. Let me know if you hear anything.

By: colrf Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:53:07 +0000 All a bit “old school” from VECCI. A pity they didn’t bother mentioning the 2:1 benefit ration the ISSA survey identified a few years ago (

Col Finnie

By: Kevin Jones Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:15:10 +0000 In reply to Paul Breslin.

These are issues that I am hoping that Australia’s Productivity Commission will examine in its review of the Workplace Relations Framework. OHS certainly fits the terms of reference whcih include looking at (amongst others):
small businesses,
productivity, competitiveness and business investment, and
red tape and the compliance burden for employers.
However, I don’t know if the Commission has talked to anyone outside of the usually tripartite consultation of Government, Employers and unions about how OHS relates to these three elements.

By: Paul Breslin Sun, 26 Apr 2015 22:44:58 +0000 Great article Kevin.
It’s 30 years since the introduction of the OHS Act in Victoria and yet OHS legislation compliance is still deemed to be a burden. Why??

Further to your comment that ‘the integration of OHS in the design phases of a project or in the establishment of a business, minimises business costs over the (not-so) long term’, research from across 14 EU member states has concluded that better planning at the design phase could save 300 lives and prevent 500,000 accidents each year in the European construction sector. Furthermore Trethewy and Atkinson (2003) claim that a greater focus on design and OHS in the Australian building and construction industry may result in an annual saving of between US$500 million and US$1 billion to the economy, without taking into consideration indirect cost factors, including lost productivity and the cost of investigating incidents.

But as you correctly point out ‘Australian business groups should be more proactive in talking about the cost savings of appropriate safety management’.
In fairness there are a few employer associations who are taking a positive approach to educating their members.
Surely after 30 years its time to recognise the positive impact that the OHS Legislation has had instead of focussing on the negatives.
