Comments on: TV report into SafeWorkSA’s performance Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Wed, 22 Jun 2011 23:45:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrea Madeley Wed, 22 Jun 2011 23:45:38 +0000 Thank you for picking up on this story. I wonder if you could clarify why you think the Coroner was poorly informed? I\’m curious – given that I represented Daniel\’s family within that inquest so I have some intimate knowledge of that inquest and the evidence presented there.

By: Tony Harrison Mon, 23 May 2011 03:57:54 +0000 That all sounds a bit negative Kevin, but that is reason enough to hold those responsible for the state of our legislation and its pathetic enforcement to account.

Maybe the likes of Patrick Conlon should be inundated with the reality of injured workers lives and the very shabby way they are treated, as well as hard evidence of the hundreds of thousands of easily identified work injury risks that remain unchallenged or fixed. The LTI statistics readily available to the rash of politicians that seem to avoid the poisoned chalice as much as possible, remains untouched, because there lays the awful truth of how our work places are not being made safe according to law, including the slip sliding \”Insofar as reasonably practicable\” escape clause, which really is being taken to the absurd by business owners, particularly small and micro business owners. (politicians know better than to stir the OHSW possum so tend to avoid anything that may cause questions to be asked)

What is the financial cost of total and permanent disability to an injured worker for the remainder of life?

what is the financial cost to the families of injured workers?

What is the financial cost to the community as a whole?

All of that before we even try to calculate the emotional and other damage caused to injured workers.

What is the cost to the community of injured workers?

I haven\’t seen any real attempt to have a real actuarial assessment of those questions, but we all sure know the amount touted as being the so called unfunded liability figure trotted out anytime there needs to be an excuse to screw down benefits, or conditions of service to injured workers. The unfunded liability figure is all smoke and mirrors.

While cost containment is a reasonable goal, bloody minded case management and an appalling waste of money to prosecute a vindictive case management process against workers, particularly injured workers with complicated multiple injury claims is clearly not, but is condoned by all members of the government. The recent Walsh report (your blog 24/04/11) clearly shows the mess in SA but I am sure this is mirrored elsewhere.

More worker deaths in Victoria recently and so it goes on. Harmonisation, I suggest the best that will come out of that, is an out of tune Barbershop Octet capable only of producing a cacophonous sound of feedback satisfactory to the Ministers responsible and their vapid, obsequious servants.

You may think I\’m a touch angry about the subject matter and you would most certainly be right. Your comment on empowering employers and workers by the regulators improving their game. How long do they need, it is now farcical that these type of comments can be made given the authorities have had decades to get a system in place that will do what it is designed to do and that is prevent injury. Do we see\” OHSW an employees obligation\” and \”OHSW an employers Obligation\” taught as a humanities subject in our secondary schools, after all, most graduates will spend over 40 years of their lives at risk of injury or worse in a work place. This is obvious and needed now!

You are right Kevin! those charged with getting this right had better get off their collective rear ends and do just that, because there is a groundswell out in worker land that has had enough, are entirely disenchanted with Union action, which they see as just another bureaucratic self seeking self serving organisation who do not look after their health interests at the coal face. I am sure Yossi would argue against that comment, but I have to say, that is exactly what I hear every day and have been hearing for many years.

I am not sorry for the rant, It needs to be blunt and hopefully to the point, workplace injury is a very personal thing yet it is handled by those in authority as nothing more than a distraction and an issue to be resolved at least possible cost and in the quickest time possible, regardless of the outcome for the injured worker
