Comments on: Safety Culture debates could be psychologically unsafe Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Mon, 03 Sep 2018 11:46:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Jones Mon, 03 Sep 2018 11:46:49 +0000 In reply to Bernie Doyle.

Bernie, I applauded the diversity of views and perspectives in the opening paragraph which supports most of your comment. I know first hand how hard it is to coordinate speakers in a conference. Some delegates are able to work out these potentially conflicting perspectives for themselves, others may need some guidance. I know this can be difficult but it would be good if speakers were able to be aware of the themes of other speakers, beyond a simple abstract, so that the presentations mesh better. Although it was presentations at SafetyCONNECT that sparked the article, the comments about diversity of presentations and thought applies to all conferences.

By: Bernie Doyle Mon, 03 Sep 2018 10:59:59 +0000 While to some point I agree, the issue for me is the role of the event host, which in this case was the NSCA Foundation.
I’m not sure that its our role to be judge and jury in regards to the issue in question. While we had 2 speakers with slightly different views, isn’t that what delegates what to hear?
I don’t believe that the host should be presenting a “one sided” case.
The challenge for all hosts is to present a broad view of opinions on a range of safety issues, which hopefully appeal to a wide audience.
Kind regards
Bernie Doyle

By: Graham Dent Mon, 03 Sep 2018 04:39:53 +0000 Great report Kevin with the differing approaches leading to lots of questions as you have pointed out. Can you please write a follow up article which provides the answers to those questions 🙂 ?
Cheers, Graham
