Comments on: We deserve new OHS ideas, research, initiatives, strategies, epiphanies and enlightenment Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Mon, 20 May 2024 08:20:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Wagstaffe Mon, 20 May 2024 08:20:34 +0000 Pre-COVID, conferences such as the ones organised by AIHS, AIOH, the various mining institutions etc, were well run, with plenty of new information to be absorbed and discussions with peers about that information was also important. At the same time, the cost to attend was, in my view, excessive and required a well of employer to foot the bill for 1 or 2 delegates to attend.
During COVID, the AIOH held a virtual conference. It was still paywalled by very worthwhile, and I learnt a lot. When I enquired of this years AIHS about any of the sessions being live streamed I was informed, NO. I live in the Hunter Valley. My small consultancy does not have the cash flow to fly to Melbourne, stay in a hotel and pay the entry fee. I get far more value going to the Sydney Work Health and Safety Show held in September each year. It is free entry and I can drive there both days if I so desire.
Content at conferences is major factor for me. If I read a conference program and it is the same shite different day, then they have lost me as an attendee. Also, I do not attend so that I can network with like minded individuals. My peers are not attendees of these conferences. I am a forensic risk and safety engineer that focusses on public liability and workplace injury investigations. I normally attend conferences to see what is new and valid in todays workplaces and public spaces. What we currently get is more of the same from two decades ago.

By: mikecraig Sun, 19 May 2024 23:11:01 +0000 Personally I have always thought that it’s a difficult challenge also in Australia due to the various OHS/WHS jurisdictions and how any presentations are going to resonate to ensure the basis of relevant legislation is somewhere in the background and links back to relevant topics, can be hard for a conference that is a national audience.

Research is the key and new insights, not rehash, not tropes..etc
