Comments on: Harm prevention needs to look beyond the individual into the corporate and the systemic Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:02:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Jones Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:02:13 +0000 In reply to Dr. Lorraine Harrison.

Lorraine, I have a copy of your thesis on my home computer and although I didn\’t have time to read it all, I refer to it often. Are you able to share a URL to the thesis with SafetyAtWorkBlog readers? As you may know I am an avid promoter of OHS-related theses as untapped OHS knowledge.

By: Dr. Lorraine Harrison Fri, 25 Jul 2014 05:59:49 +0000 Hi Kevin,
I think your blog, the comments and links to research, including articles, is terrific work. I am very appreciative and I thank you sincerely.
I completed a thesis in 2013 titled \’Feeling the heat: workers experiences of job stress in the Victorian Community Services Sector, and the linked article in current blog by S. Michie is an excellent read.
Regards Dr. Lorraine Harrison

By: Kevin Jones Fri, 25 Jul 2014 05:24:00 +0000 In reply to Tony.

Tony, society may not have changed but trade union membership, and I would argue, influence has declined markedly over the last few decades. This fact was mentioned by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in June this year (\”The survey also shows that 17 per cent, or 1.7 million employees were trade union members in the main job, this being the lowest proportion in the history of the series.\” – ) This would indicate that change in most jobs will need to come from elsewhere. This could be through individual bargaining or some other form of collective pressure that has not yet manifested. I don\’t know.

Certainly I have been in the situation many times, particular in freelancing or contract work, where I have negotiated hours and workload. It\’s not impossible but it does take experience and, I will admit, that I have drawn on advice from the Media Alliance in some of these negotiations.

I agree that we do need leaders on the issue of job design and its OHS and productivity benefits. I am sure they are out there but perhaps they hesitate to voice their thoughts and achievements.

By: Tony Fri, 25 Jul 2014 05:01:04 +0000 The conversation is really getting boring. The fundamental issue gets back to the reason unions were formed and society has not changed that much, with the few manipulating and ripping off the many in all aspects of their lives.

Can we please see valid and doable alternatives before we witness the decent into real class warfare and don\’t tell me we haven\’t seen the development of seriously large and growing underclass that is becoming seriously subterranean.

Too much waffle and not enough leaders.
