Comments on: Australian IR Minister calls for dignity, respect and trust in workplace safety Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:08:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: National Workers Memorial opens « SafetyAtWorkBlog Sun, 28 Apr 2013 23:08:33 +0000 […] spoke at the ceremony with, largely, an edited and reduced version of the speech he presented in Brisbane earlier last week.  The Canberra speech dropped  all the ANZAC Day references and spoke about the importance of […]

By: Andrea Madeley Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:06:17 +0000 My point is this.

If we listen to some of the issues being raised in the court rooms of Australia where a worker has been killed, there may well be – in fact I would estimate there almost always is a defence that will argue something along the lines of this:

\”My client\’s company has an excellent safety culture and it is one they are very proud of.\”

They\’ve got the safety glasses and the yellow lines down pat but common sense got lost in the Frey when the young lad operating the machine (he\’s wearing his safety glasses by the way) as he begins the operation on an old piece of dangerous equipment that is completely void of ANY safety features whatsoever has just pulled him in and torn his body to pieces / crushed / dismembered etc.

Did you say, \”there is no such thing as common sense in safety\”?

Maybe that\’s the damned problem? The forest is hiding the trees!

By: Kevin Jones Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:33:09 +0000 In reply to Andrea Madeley (VOID) Voice of Industrial Death.

Andrea, there is no such thing as common sense in safety or elsewhere. In the safety profession where large consultancies target large corporations with complex theories about leadership and behavioural safety, Shorten\’s words are original to some.

Shorten said “I take the opportunity on this memorial day to say to management teams: forget the big canvasses and the fancy words and the fancy theories.\”

I think following his time at the Beaconsfield mine disaster and the inquiries Shorten is well aware of safety management crap. He just needs to do more to counter it.

By: Andrea Madeley (VOID) Voice of Industrial Death Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:23:02 +0000 Shorten is just echoing what is basic common sense. It\’s just a shame there\’s so little originality in those words. He red tape has become the hefty iron being dragged along by the ankles of the safety message.

By: Fergus Robinson Fri, 26 Apr 2013 10:18:53 +0000 Regardless of our opinions about the author of the statement, Bill Shorten is correct.

The toleration of small daily hazards leads inevitably to the total undermining of safety systems at the workplace. Workers become cynical about the gap between theory and practice which leads to a culture of \’turning a blind eye\’ to safety infringements – which is perpetuated by management based on short term expediency.

The differential consequences between minor and major non compliance becomes obscured and serious incidents thus occur.

By: Tony Fri, 26 Apr 2013 03:09:31 +0000 Polly Waffle!

By: V.V.Mahesh Kumar Fri, 26 Apr 2013 00:52:03 +0000 Whatever said is good. Actions by governments, managements and workforce are the need of the day.

By: Kevin Jones (@SafetyOz) Fri, 26 Apr 2013 00:31:51 +0000 John, thanks for reminding me of the hypocrisy of politics. Good point.

By: John Culvenor Thu, 25 Apr 2013 23:55:11 +0000 Yes indeed, for instance the deaths and fires caused by poor planning by the government in the home insulation scheme would be examples of preventable deaths.
