Comments on: No one is hurt, so there is nothing to see Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Fri, 03 Feb 2017 04:20:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pam Pryor Wed, 23 Nov 2016 07:42:40 +0000 On the response that nobody died/ was injured therefore no action required – had a personal experience that while of low impact is illustrative. Some years ago I was subject to car/person contact at Tullaramarine airport. This was before the changes that separate buses and cars. As I stepped off the bus from the long term car park, which was double parked due to lack of parking area, a car parked in the inside lane accentuated leaving me on the bonnet of the car. Somewhat shaken but not injured I presented at the AFP office at the airport to report the incident. My objective was to stimulate a review and improvement to traffic management. However the AFP only wanted to know if I wanted to initiate prosecution of the driver who had collected me on the bonnet of his car. The absolute lack of interest, or lack of jurisdiction, in improvement in traffic management staggered and disappointed me. I hope that the response to such an incident now would be quite different,

By: Russ Ashby Sun, 13 Nov 2016 19:55:47 +0000 This is an interesting topic, and I believe it is the “intangible” nature of psychological stress or harm that makes it particularly challenging. Maybe in the coming years, leading companies will implement measures to prevent said “mental accidents” that would end up hurting the productivity of team members and causing an increase in attrition rates. Interesting article, keep uf the god work guys!

By: stephen Sandilands Tue, 01 Nov 2016 04:32:51 +0000 Wouldn’t all politicians and governments wish that was the and be promoting it. However teh genral public have had enough of the cover ups. Your examples serve to clearly illustrate the significant issue and growing lack of confidence in statutory bodies and even more so in politiicans. Just look at the issues in the US with the FBI reopening the Clinton email saga.

Regardless of who you like or dislike, that is not the case here; it is about the sue of such processes and the matter of cash and access at the highest levels and the public has a right to know in this as well. Take this to its current logical conclusion and one coudl say no one got hurt, no one got killed so what’s the problem, no one needs to know!

Governments cosntantly try and put more responsibility and accountability back on the people they are lected to represent (who in many cases did unfortuantely vote for them) but do not want to accept responsibility themselves.

The currenet laws s realting to slander and libel are not held in teh same regard by politicians who have made it that way that anything they say is under parliamentary privilege, even it if destroys and ruins lives, is a direct contributer ot suicides, wipes out businesses, etc.

Enough is Enough!
