Comments on: Red Tape Commissioner starts work on reform including OHS Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Tue, 07 Jan 2014 22:13:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: andy Tue, 07 Jan 2014 22:13:51 +0000 Red tape only serves to tie businesses and workers hands behind their backs so the public sector seems productive. Ohs has become a tyranny. \”just fill in these 5 bits of useless paper and all risks are gone\” a bit of paper has never made a job any safer, it wastes time which needs to be made up, usually by corner cutting.

By: Workers Memorial Day ceremony, industrial manslaughter and red tape « SafetyAtWorkBlog Mon, 29 Apr 2013 22:01:13 +0000 […] it valid?.  To date there is still no clear explanation of what red tape is.  The closest was a statement by Victoria’s Red Tape Commissioner John Lloyd in January 2013.  Lloyd  considers red tape […]

By: An OHS look at the Liberal Party’s policy document « SafetyAtWorkBlog Sun, 07 Apr 2013 22:02:11 +0000 […] of particular OHS concern as one of the first government departments to be required to report to Victoria’s Red Tape Commissioner was the Victorian Workcover Authority.  The increased attention to Due Diligence on OHS matters […]

By: Need to focus on safety first and compliance later « SafetyAtWorkBlog Wed, 20 Feb 2013 21:11:18 +0000 […] when considering the pursuit of red tape reductions. Much of the reduction is being sought, particularly here in Victoria, from regulatory agencies in the first instance. It is aimed at reducing the flow-on cost of […]

By: How can one learn from OHS mistakes if those mistakes are hidden? « SafetyAtWorkBlog Mon, 11 Feb 2013 01:01:28 +0000 […] time needed to look manually for the information needed, and increased productivity and decreasing red tape is becoming a hallmark of the Victorian Government.  For instance, if one was to wish to search […]

By: Kevin Jones Mon, 21 Jan 2013 21:41:10 +0000 In reply to Paul Breslin.

Paul, certainly the Red Tape Commissioner\’s brief is whole-of-government but from the OHS perspective I share your thoughts.

The red tape website does include reports about red tape and administrative costs but many of these reports are over five years old and Victoria now has a very different economic status and the Liberal Party in power. (The business licence review is from 2010) Many of the reports were commissioned by the previous Labor government and have specific terms that do not necessarily support the current red tape strategy. For instance one report, on administrative burden, is based on comparisons with European and UK performance metrics with no discussion on the applicability of these measures for Victoria.

Also many of the cost estimates of administrative burden in the report are tiny compared to the cost estimates of workplace incidents, injuries and illnesses. A quick comparison of business costs of red tape and the business costs of unsafe workplaces clearly shows that by this government focussing on red tape, it is doing business and workers a disservice.

By: Tony Harrison Mon, 21 Jan 2013 21:38:15 +0000 Not worth commenting on. Pure political nonsense.

By: Paul Breslin Mon, 21 Jan 2013 21:18:18 +0000 Kevin
It\’s amazing that this State Government want the regulators to reduce the red tape across industries considering the fact that it had a real opportunity to do this by implementing the new national OHS legislation and reneged.


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