Comments on: Workplace mental health and wellbeing strategies must consider suicide Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Wed, 04 Oct 2017 05:21:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bette Phillips-Campbell Wed, 04 Oct 2017 05:21:58 +0000 As the manager of GriefWork, a support service to families where work has contributed to a death, I am interested in the focus on mental health and work that may lead to suicide.

Over the past 14 years or so we have looked at the impact of work on those who suicide, 2003 re released a piece of work using the Coroners data base (Work Factors in Suicide) and then in 2010, Suicide and Work. We have over that time supported some 25 bereaved individuals to work related suicide.

One issue is that many suicides are not recorded due to families not wanting to face the stigma attached to suicide. We believe the issue is under reported and so many families are not aware that they may be entitled to worker compensation.

The issue of suicide where work is concerned needs far more attention, and also of course is the issue of workers on injury benefits and facing an adverse system succumb to making the decision to suicide.

Work related deaths has an enormous impact on the lives left behind to come to terms with the death of a significant loved one. Work related suicide comes with an added layer of grief that becomes complicated. The fact that many believe. ” because it was a suicide then we are left alone and financially struggling”, when in fact with better communication they may seek legal advice to ensure their rights are met.

Some 7 years ago arising out of the number of work suicides in Bendigo region, GriefWork began a public walk (SPAN, Suicide Prevention Awareness Network) SPAN began in Geelong around the number you young suicides in that area and so led to SPAN Bendigo).

We need to do so much more around mental health, work and suicide.

Bette Phillips-Campbell
Manager, GriefWork – Uniting
