Comments on: SISA has few problems with SafeWorkSA but where are the other submissions? Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:12:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Darley speaks to SafetyAtWorkBlog « SafetyAtWorkBlog Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:12:11 +0000 […] of concern that has led to a Parliamentary Inquiry into the organisation’s operations.  Submissions and presentations have been made to the inquiry but no submissions have been officially […]

By: Andrea Madeley Mon, 08 Oct 2012 08:12:10 +0000 Is it possible that this inquiry stems from the negative publicity that came from the select committee looking into the safety at the Adelaide Desalination Plant?

I don\’t know whether it is possible for a department to leave an ink blotch like that behind in the hope that it will just be forgotten. I do know South Australian workers deserve a strong regulatory body.

Rob Lucas is being true to his political party and what it stands for. I don\’t necessary like it but I am not overly surprised by the Liberal Party opposing the Bill because it does strike at the heart of the capitalist position. John Darley as an independent is doing his job in standing on middle ground on issues he is unhappy with and looking for a compromise. The various employer bodies are doing exactly what they have to do for their members as do the \’namesake\’ organisation\’s – (whatever the heck that is) have a job to do for their members as well.

I suppose SafeWork SA has a choice here. It can opt to play the poor misunderstood victim – or – it could choose to step up to the plate, listen, leave out the endless excuses – leave out the spin – and address the issues raised. Just sayin\’…

By: V.V.Mahesh Kumar Mon, 08 Oct 2012 05:22:59 +0000 Responsibility for safe workplace lies with the employer. Regulator as the word implies ensures safety by monitoring, framing regulations as per the need by involving all stake holders and creating awareness. It is a universal problem that sufficient manpower is not available for regulators and thus they carry inspections on random basis based on their assessment. The notion that, I am right till I am caught, and blame regulators instead of employers of organizations only creates stress on them and will not help for improving safety. Convenience based interference by politicians, some namesake organizations and to some extent power struggle within also makes matters worse for regulators. Audit instead of inquiry will strengthen the regulator and also instill public confidence in the regulatory process.

By: Kevin Jones Sun, 07 Oct 2012 23:02:25 +0000 In reply to Malcolm.

Malcolm, hopefully the other submissions to the inquiry will provide a better and deeper context to where SafeWorkSA is today and why so many people feel the organisation is underperforming.

By: Malcolm Sun, 07 Oct 2012 22:48:57 +0000 This is like being in a time warp (back to the future) They disbanded the \’preventions\’ section of WorkCover in SA a few years back, anyone with any brains went off to bigger and brighter futures in the private sector.
