Comments on: The safety context of sick leave entitlements Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:32:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:32:47 +0000 Kevin, the article seems to completely ignore the health implications of such a system. However even looking at it from the \’all employees are liars\’ perspective, the system seems to focus entirely on attendance, and completely misses the obvious issue, which would be \’productivity\’. If the net effect of implementing this system is an increase in attendance yet an overall decrease in productivity it is completely self defeating. This comes straight back to the issue you raised of \”Why dont my staff want to come to work?\” Get a handle on the answer to this question and you go a long way to understanding how to increase productivity. As a manager I think it is far more effective to expend energy and money on proactive systems, such as health and wellbeing programs, to get the best out of people. Ringing them to confirm what you already know (ie they are sick) seems to run counter to logical thought.
