Comments on: Collaboration = Consultation Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:13:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Jones Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:13:06 +0000 In reply to

There will be more on this workplace hazard in SafetyAtWorkBlog over the coming months.

By: Kevin Jones Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:11:54 +0000 In reply to

It is an understandable response to a workplace suicide to remove the means of others to take the same action. This short-term response has been applied to suicides from cliffs, on railtracks and bridges to my knowledge. Too often this type of intervention has been considered enough. Some argue this moves the suicide attempts elsewhere – the research is out on that.

I have attended at least one conference this year where the occupational doctor for the Australian Federal Police has spoken and the AFP has responded but have not publicised their actions and nor are they obliged to. They, like other police forces and emergency services are addressing this hazard but it is hard and it takes time, partly because of the cultural stigma and the historical inaction on the hazard you mention in another comment. The OHS and HR professions, safety regulators and others are in the catchup phase on psychological hazards and this is not being helped by a continuing attention on the individuals and resilience and mindfulness, etc etc.

A wise person told me only last week that we think that suicides result from mental ill-health but that may not be the case all the the time. We try to understand the motivations for suicide ideation and suicide but we do so from rational thought – we have no option – and the person thinking of suicide may not be thinking rationally. There may not be a reason for someone dying by their own hand, but there might be, and there are dozens of researchers, many in Australia and many with a lived experience, who are looking at the issue and looking for solutions. For years no one was even doing this.

By: Kevin Jones Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:00:45 +0000 In reply to

The major principle of OHS/WHS is the prevention of harm and, in relation to your comment, the prevention of suicides. Part of the challenge is that psychological hazards have been largely ignored by the OHS profession, OHS regulators and business owners for many many years. Certainly these hazards have never been more prominent that they are currently.

Safe Work Australia has released at least one guidance recently on how to prevent psychological harm through assessing how businesses and work is structured and how this affects workers. The new international OHS management Standard explicitly lists psychological health as an auditable element and therefore a criteria on which Australian businesses can be judged. That Australian businesses are largely unaware of these official documents is not the fault of the documents or the OHS profession but of the communication structures available to inform the public. I, and this blog, am doing my damnedest to let as many people I can know about this harm prevention information.

Search on “suicide” in this website Keyword search function and you will see dozens of article about the hazard. Search for “Bottomley” and you will find articles from almost a decade ago about some of the very first Victorian research into work-related suicides undertaken by John Bottomley.

To paraphrase part of your comment, “Not enough action is being done” and not in the right areas. The current Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health and Victoria’s Royal Commission into Mental Health next year are major opportunities for all of us to directly affect government policy on workplace and work-related suicides. I urge you to make a submission to them whenever you can.

By: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 08:32:46 +0000

By: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 08:00:48 +0000 Recently AFP in Canberra main office had two suicides, four in the last 4 years right at the Edmund Barton Building in Canberra. This left shattered lives, but deeply affected people at work forced to deal with these horrific events. What is AFP’s response? Is there any consequence to this public service agency – none. The only response is to force security guards – contracted out – to contact AFP should anyone access their armoury. Pathetic response and they should have significant financial penalties to these sorts of events that are clearly work-related.

By: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 07:57:33 +0000 It is pathetic and sad in Australia that OHS/WHS comes down only to reacting to deaths or serious injuries, usually deaths only. Significant fines only result after a death. Nothing proactive is done. Hardly any real preventive work. Why not link workers compensation with OHS so workers compensation premiums can be linked not only to injuries, but OHS incidents?
The government talks about “best practice”, but does nothing to imitate it. OHS/WHS is clearly not a priority for Labour or Liberals and never will be.
