Comments on: Sex trafficking and brothels Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Thu, 14 Dec 2023 18:15:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sex Trafficking and the exploitation of rights - THRIVE blog Thu, 14 Dec 2023 18:15:18 +0000 […] trafficking and exploitation of rights can take place in various locations, such as brothels, on the streets, or even within a victim’s own home. In fact, some perpetrators will […]

By: Kevin Jones Thu, 12 Mar 2009 00:39:31 +0000 Recent prosecutions have shown that some legal brothels have exploited trafficked women. The fact that there have been prosecutions is significant and the fact that the brothels were licenced seems to have been influential in the abillity to pursue legal action.

Whether the ability to regulate is sufficient motivation for a legalised brothel industry or for the increased enforcement on illegal brothels is debatable, and is likely to bend with political will.

In any approach, OHS or anti-slavery, it is the welfare of the victim that is paramount. Perhaps OHS advocates need to be more active in supporting their preventative ideals by lobbying on these types of social issues.

By: Debbie Lee Thu, 12 Mar 2009 00:25:17 +0000 It is hard to imagine that OHS initiatives will greatly assist the victims of sex trafficking and slavery, but I also believe safety professionals must question the double standard that appears to exist for the legal brothel industry. Given widespread use of prostitutes, it is critical that OHS becomes an accepted part of the trade. For if people choosing to work in brothels are largely unprotected and considered \”less worthy\” of OHS support, what hope for those being exploited and abused?
