Comments on: OHS solutions promoted but not necessarily delivered Award winning news, commentary and opinion on workplace health and safety Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:56:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: mark mckenzie Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:56:30 +0000 I think the taxi and hire car industry need spokespersons as not enough information is provided in training or follow up. You have written recently on over priced seminars etc and you are correct. I try to keep my staff informed and they must read our OH and S manual before they are accepted asxyet everyone of them will tell you that you don\’t get any training at the taxi courses (even though it is listed). As a basic example have you ever seen a taxi driver changing a tyre with a fluorescent vest on? Never- yet our drivers must have one of these in their vehicles and must use. It is important that the so called professional drivers on our roads 24/7 don\’t even have basic instructions to follow. The only mention recently has been about fatigue and this was only after I mentioned the incident with the CROWN CABS driver who is no in jail.

By: mark mckenzie Sun, 05 Jan 2014 02:56:38 +0000 what is the OHS training for taxi and limo drivers my understanding is very little and what there is is not tested

surely each business should have a OH and S policy written down and given to drivers to read and sign for understanding it but this doesnt seem to happen

Take for instance the taxi driver who in 2012 fell asleep at the wheel, ran his taxi into an oncoming car and killed the driver. The taxi driver was in hositpal for a while and is now in jail. Surely the owner of a taxi licence should have been investigated to see how and when the driver was trained in OH and S which includes fatigue. the police have advised me the camera in his car shows him falling asleep so when he did he start his shift, what was he doing before his shift like working another job, what training is on his file re training

I shall bet NOTHING

Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 21:01:20 +0000 To:

By: Tony Harrison Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:23:35 +0000 Tell me where prescriptive inspectorial action in addressing individual employers failings has failed where the blow torch of hip pocket pain is the outcome through fines for transgressions?

There certainly have been thousands of waffle fests over the years and I suspect the speaker circuit is just another trough for the hangers on to feed from without providing any measurable effect in reducing injuries.

Responsibility and Accountability are key words that seem to be missing in the mainstream of WHS and particularly in the speaker circuit. This topic should be aimed at both employers and employees.
